Call for Papers

Dear colleague, scholar, Olympic friend,





1. Quick lane Deadline is October 20th, 2023 => confirmation of acceptance November 15th 2023
2. Regular Deadline is December 10th 2023 => confirmation of acceptance January 15th 2024
3. Final Deadline is March 31st  2024 => confirmation of acceptance April 31st  2024


Presentations & Review process

Abstracts can be sent in as poster presentation or as oral presentation.

There will be a double-blind review process of all abstracts. The reviewers will be done by members of the scientific committee. Acceptance will be announced as soon as possible to allow you to book your flights early and have a look for accommodation. We are not able to help you with accommodation or tickets.

Accepted abstracts, posters or any full papers that will be sent via mail by June 1st, 2024 will appear in the official Symposium Proceedings. We are very keen to avoid “no shows” as the spaces for presentations are limited. After acceptance you must register at our webpage.

Any questions regarding the abstract submission process, please ask the scientific coordinator Prof. Dr. Farzad Ghafouri, E-mail:

Welcome to celebrate with us the 11th Symposium in Paris.


Prof. Dr. Holger Preuss              Mathilde Foesser
University of Mainz                       AMOS Sport Business School