Keynote Speakers

The keynote speakers of the 11th International Sport Business Symposium Paris 2024 are the following:

Opening message:

Thomas Bach (remote), OLY, IOC president.


Keynote speakers:

Ivo Ferriani, OLY, President International Bobsleigh & Skeleton Federation, IOC member (2016-), member of the Commissions: Sustainability and Legacy (2015-); Athletes' Entourage (2017-), Vice Chair of Boards Directors of Olympic Channel Services S.A. (2022-), Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (2022-).
Fiona Bull, Head of the WHO’s Physical Activity Unit (2017-), member of the IOC Commissions: Sustainability and Legacy (2021-); Professor and Director of Center for Built Environment and Health at University of Western Australia
Richard Pound, OLY, Founding President of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) (1999-2007); IOC Member (1978-2022). IOC Honorary member (2022-); Future Host Commission for the Games of the Olympiad (2019-2022).
Marie Barsacq, Director of Impact and Legacy for the Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024, France. Barsacq worked for 10 years at the French National Olympic Committee on the issues of employment and professional training in the sports movement.
Diane de Navacelle de Coubertin, is a great great grand niece, descendent of Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Games. She is a a member of the bureau of the family Association (created in 2016), starting with the fourth generation and the référent for Education, Culture and Inclusion.She choses to transmit her legacy through two pillars: EDUCATION and CULTURE, with chosen subjects of her time such as women, inclusion, environmental issues, and of course with the red thread of peace.