Past Events

History of the symposia

Since 2006 the International Sport Business Symposium has been organised at different occasions and venues where Olympic scholars travel to and meet. In ancient Greece, the symposium was a key social institution in Hellenic culture and provided a platform for debate and celebration with others. The philosophy of the International Sport Business Symposium also is to offer a platform for discussion and debate at a place where scholars do their research. This is why the symposium is traditionally staged during the Olympic Games as well as other Olympic events.

Thanks to the help and cooperation with partner universities in the respective host cities, we have been able so far to offer participation in the symposium free of charge. Key note speakers are usually high-level executives from the Olympic family, who can provide insights from behind the scenes and who are always receptive to open discussions with scholars and academics. The offer to share such practical knowledge is of course highly appreciated.

The Greek symposium, dated back on 416 B.C., was a key social institution in ancient Hellenic culture and provided a platform for debate and celebration with others. This is also what we are striving for! Since 2006 it has become a tradition that Olympic scholars from all over the world come together for a symposium during the Olympic Games as well as other Olympic events to exchange thoughts, present their Olympic research and have a great time together.

Olympische Winterspiele Turin 2006



Planung und Durchführung eines Symposiums anlässlich der Olympischen Winterspiele Turin 2006

In Kooperation mit einer Forschungsgruppe an der Universität Turin (OMERO) veranstaltete die Forschungsgruppe Olympia am 9. Februar 2006 in Turin ein Symposium mit dem Titel: "Olympic Winter Games - A Challenge and Chance for Future Host Cities".

Das Programm befindet sich hier, der ehemalige Call for Papers hier.



Erhebung der Kundenzufriedenheit im "Deutschen Haus" in Turin/Sestriere 2006

Für das Deutsche Haus bei Olympischen Spielen zeichnet die Deutsche Sport Marketing (DSM) verantwortlich. Um Aufschluss zu erhalten, wie das Deutsche Haus von seinen Besuchern wahrgenommen wird und welche Beweggründe für einen Besuch im Deutschen Haus ausschlaggebend sind, hat die DSM Holger Preuß mit der Evaluierung des Deutschen Hauses von Turin beauftragt.
Diesbezüglich wurden stichprobenartig Besucher des Deutschen Hauses während der Winterspiele von Turin befragt. Im Mittelpunkt der Befragung standen eine Bewertung der unterschiedlichen Serviceleistungen sowie die Feststellung der Beweggründe, die von den Gästen für ihren Besuch angeführt wurden. Des weiteren wurden Daten zur Sponsorenwahrnehmung und Finanzierung des Hauses erhoben.
Aus den Ergebnissen wurden schließlich Vorschläge abgeleitet, wie zukünftige Deutsche Häuser von den Besuchern noch positiver empfunden werden können, indem Stärken und Schwächen erfasst und deren Einfluss auf die generelle Bewertung des Deutschen Hauses durch die Gäste berechnet wurden.

Eine kurze Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse, veröffentlicht von Holger Preuß, Kai Gemeinder und Sebastian Jochum im Partner Magazin der Deutschen Sport Marketing (DSM), Ausgabe Mai 2006, befindet sich hier.

Außerdem hat Sebastian Jochum zu diesem Thema seine Diplomarbeit verfasst (siehe Diplomarbeiten).


Wirkungen des Deutschen Olympischen Jugendlagers Turin 2006 auf die teilnehmenden Athletinnen und Athleten

Zum dritten Mal in Folge richtete das NOK Deutschland in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Sportjugend (dsj) ein nationales Olympisches Jugendlager anlässlich Olympischer Spiele aus, mit dem vornehmlichen Ziel, über das unmittelbare Erleben "olympischer Atmosphäre" die leistungssportliche Motivation der jungen Athletinnen und Athleten zu festigen. Darüber hinaus verfolgen NOK und dsj auch  pädagogische Intentionen, deren Umsetzung während des Aufenthalts in Turin ebenfalls einen Teil des Zielkomplexes darstellte.
An der Organisation und Durchführung vor Ort war unter Anderem auch Kai Gemeinder beteiligt, der mittels einer schriftlichen  Teilnehmerbefragung den Erfolg des Jugendlagers evaluiert hat.

v. links: Begegnung mit russischen Fans ¦ Interview (Pro 7) mit Ann-Kathrin Bastian ¦ Treffen mit Bundespräsident Dr. Horst Köhler
© Kai Gemeinder

Eine kurze Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse, veröffentlicht von Kai Gemeinder in der Jugendlager-Dokumentation des DOSB, befindet sich hier.

Publikationen zu Turin 2006


Kurz vor den Olympischen Winterspielen in Turin 2006 veröffentlichte die Forschungsgruppe Olympia den Band 8 der Olympischen Studien mit dem Titel: "From Chamonix 1924 to Turin 2006 - The Olympic Winter Games"
Zum Inhaltsverzeichnis und Vorwort des Buches geht es hier.


Publikationen ohne Review Verfahren

Preuß, H., Gemeinder, K. & Jochum, S. (2006). Oberster Wunsch: Kontakt mit Athleten. In: Partner Magazin DSM, 20.

Gemeinder, K. (2006). Auswertung der Teilnehmerbefragung – Wurden die gesteckten Ziele erreicht? In: Olympic Youth Camp Turin 2006 – Dokumentation. Frankfurt/Main: DOSB, 55-56.


Jochum, Sebastian (2007). Kundenzufriendenheit zum Deutschen Haus in Turin 2006 und strategische Positionierung für zukünftige Deutsche Häuser.

Olympic Summer Games Beijing 2008

Programm, Book of Abstracts



Planning and Realisation of a Symposium on the Occasion of the Olympic Summer Games Beijing 2008

Under the sponsorship of the "Olympic Studies Centre", Holger Preuss and  Prof. Dr. Douglas Michele Turco from the Drexel University with the support of Kai Gemeinder have organised the high-level staffed "International Sport Business Symposium". Keynote speakers were the former IOC Marketing Director Michael Payne and Sam Ramsamy, member of the IOC executive committee. Altogether 13 lectures from speakers from 11 different countries have been given.


Research Trip Conducted by Holger Preuss

A nine-headed research team went to the Beijing Games to work on different research projects on site.

Members of the team, besides Holger Preuss, were the doctorands Tim Ströbel (Uni Bayreuth), Stefan Walzel (DSHS Köln), Christian Deutscher (Uni Tübingen), Bernardo Villano, Leonardo Mataruna (both Uni Rio de Janeiro, Brasil), and the students Kai Gemeinder (Uni Mainz), Thomas Barth and Alexander Hodeck (both Uni Leipzig).

The following subjects have been handled on site and are currently put into writing:

Brand Management in the Context of the Olympic Games - National Houses as Innovative Place Branding Tools?


Lectures from Holger Preuss Given during the Olympic Games 

Besides two lectures at the "International Sport Business Symposium" in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Troels Troelsen (Copenhagen Business School) respectively Prof. Dr. Harry Arne Solberg (Business School of Trondheim) - summaries of both lectures can be found in the Book of Abstracts - Holger Preuss gave another lecture at the official Olympic Youth Camp 2008 (BOCOG).

Preuss, H. (2009). 17. EASM Congress (Amsterdam): Economic aspects of the Olympic Games in Beijing 2008. Workshop presentation. Vortrag am 18.9.2009.


Publications with Review Procedure

Preuss, H., Gemeinder, K. & Seguin B. (2008). Ambush Marketing in China: Counterbalancing Olympic Sponsorship Efforts. Asian Business & Management, (7), 243-263.

Preuss, H. (2007). Signaling Growth. China's major benefit from staging the Olympics in Beijing 2008. Harvard Asia Pacific Review, 9(1), S. 45-49.

Publications without Review Procedure

Preuss, H., Guder A. (2008). "What does China Want to Gain?  – Economic, Cultural and Political Dimensions of the Olympic Games in Beijing". In: V. Klöpsch, M. Lämmer & W. Tokarski (Ed.) Sport in China. Contributions from an Interdisciplinary View (S. 157-172), Köln: Sportverlag Strauss

Preuss, H. (2007). Signalling – How the Chinese Sport Is Using Top-Class Sport, in Pohlmann, A. (Ed.) Top-Class Sport and State. Location before Beijing 2008, Scientific Reports and Materials, Vol. 15 (pp. 73-90), Köln: Sportverlag Strauss.

Other Scientific Contributions 

Preuss, H. & Guder, A. (2007). China - Economic Dimension of the Games in Beijing. Olympia Report, (2|07), 4-5.

3. International Sport Business Symposium

Programm, Book of Abstracts

Freitag, 19. Februar 2010, 9:00 Uhr Ortszeit

Liu Institute for Global Issues
The University of British Columbia
6476 North West Marine Drive, Vancouver
(Walking access from UBC North Bus Loop; parking in Fraser River Parkade)

Prof. Dr. Holger Preuß (Universität Mainz) und Dr. Robert VanWynsberghe (UBC)
unterstützt von Christian Alfs (Universität Mainz) & Daniel Beatty (UBC)
Mehr Informationen ....

Wissenschaftlicher Ausschuss:
Prof. Dr. Harry Hiller, UCalgary, Kanada
Prof. Dr. Benoit Seguin, UOttowa, Kanada
Prof. Dr. Harry Arne Solberg, Trondheim Business School, Norwegen
Prof. Dr. Holger Preuß, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Prof. Dr. Robert Lentell, University of East London, Großbritannien
Dr. Norbert Schütte, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Dr. Robert VanWynsberghe, University of British Columbia, Kanada

Union International des Pentathlon Moderne, Monaco
University of Calgary, Department of Sociology
University of Ottawa, School of Human Kinetics
University of East London, Royal Docks Business School
Welt Squash Verband
GB Consulting, Madrid

Nähere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Programm.
Die Veranstaltung ist kostenfrei.

The University of British Columbia. Specifically, it is a conference held at the Liu Centre for Global Issues. The conference room that will be booked is called the "Multipurpose Room."


4. International Sport Business Symposium

Programm, Book of Abstracts

Donnerstag, 12. Januar 2012, 12:00 Uhr Ortszeit


Universität Innsbruck, Institut für Sportwissenschaft, Fürstenweg 185.


Prof. Dr. Holger Preuß (JGU Mainz, GER)
Prof. Dr. Erich Thöni (LFU Innsbruck, AUT)


Mag. Martin Schnitzer«(LFU Innsbruck, AUT)
Dr. Norbert Schütte (JGU Mainz, GER)


5th International Sport Business Symposium

Programm, Book of Abstracts


Dienstag, 07.08.2012


Birkbeck Sport Business Centre/Birkbeck, University of London, Großbritannien

Die Anreisemöglichkeiten können unter diesem Link heruntergeladen werden.
Die Symposiumsteilnehmer werden gebeten, sich an dem Haupteingang der Birkbeck College in Torrington Square einzufinden. Eine Kartendarstellung des Standortes (das Gebäude Nummer 1)  kann unter dem folgenden Link  abgerufen werden:


Holger Preuß, Professor of Sport Sociology & Sport Economics, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Iain MacRury, Associate Dean, School of arts and Digital Industries, UEL
Sean Hamil, Director, Birkbeck Sport Business Centre, Birkbeck College, University of London
Jean-Jacques Gouguet,  Professor, Economist, Centre de Droit et d' Economie du Sport (CDES), University of Limoges
Benoît Séguin, Professor of Sport Management, University of Ottawa

Scientific Committee:

Prof. Dr. Jean-Jacques Gouguet, Professor, Economist, Centre de Droit et d'economie du Sport (CDES), University of Limoges, FRA
Prof. Dr. Benoît Séguin, Professor of Sport Management, University of Ottawa, CAN
Prof. Dr. Harry Arne Solberg, Professor of Sport Economics, Trondheim Business School, NOR
Prof. Dr. Kjetil Haugen, Professor of Sport Management and Logistics, Molde University College, NOR
Prof. Dr. Urmilla Bob, Professor University of KZN, Durban, ZAF
Sean Hamil, Director, Birkbeck Sport Business Centre, Birkbeck College, University of London, GBR
Prof. Dr. Iain MacRury, Professor and Associate Dean, School of arts and Digital Industries, University of East London, GBR
Dr. Norbert Schütte, Senior lecturer and researcher, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, GER
Prof. Dr. Erich Thöni, Professor University of Innsbruck, AUT
Prof. Dr. Douglas Turco, Professor Drexel University, USA
Prof. Dr. Harry Hiller, Professor for Sport Sociology, University of Calgary, CAN
Prof. Dr. Lamartine Dacosta, Professor for Sport Sociology and Sport Management Gama Filho University, BRA


Full university partners of the 5th International Sport Business Symposium:

Supporting partners:
Union International de    Gerardo Bielons
Pentathlon Moderne         Consulting

6th International Sport Business Symposium (during the 125th IOC session)

Call for Abstracts, Programm, Book of Abstracts

Termin: Mittwoch, den 04.09.2013

Ort: University of Buenos Aires (Faculty of Economics), Argentina
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas Avda. Córdoba 2122
Buenos Aires


Holger Preuß, Professor of Sport Sociology & Sport Economics, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz

Gerado Bielons,  Professor Universidad Autónoma Madrid & CEO GB Consulting

Prof. Dr. Alberto Edgardo Barbieri, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Science, University of Buenos Aires

Scientific Committee:

Prof. Dr. Holger Preuss, Professor for Sport Economics and Sport Sociology, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, GER

Prof. Dr. Jean-Jacques Gouguet, Professor of Economics, Centre de Droit et d'economie du Sport (CDES), University of Limoges, FRA

Prof. Gerardo Bielons, Senior Lecturer Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, ESP

Prof. Dr. Benoît Séguin, Professor of Sport Management, University of Ottawa, CAN

Prof. Dr. Kjetil Haugen, Professor of Sport Management and Logistics, Molde University College, NOR

Prof. Dr. Kamilla Swart, Professor for Sport Management, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, ZAF

Sean Hamil, Director, Birkbeck Sport Business Centre, Birkbeck College, University of London, GBR

Dr. Norbert Schütte, Senior lecturer and researcher in Sport Management, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, GER

Prof. Dr. Erich Thöni, Professor for Economics, University of Innsbruck, AUT

Prof. Dr. Douglas Turco, Professor for Sport Management, Arcadia University Philadelphia, USA

Prof. Dr. Harry Hiller, Professor for Sport Sociology, University of Calgary, CAN

Prof. Dr. Lamartine Dacosta, Professor for Sport Sociology and Sport Management, Gama Filho University, BRA
















2nd Youth Olympic Winter Games, Lillehammer 2016
7th International Sport Business Symposium Youth Olympic Games | new concept – old ideas?

Programm, Book of Abstracts


On the occasion of the second Youth Olympic Winter Games Lillehammer the 7th International Sport Business Symposium titled “Youth Olympic Games; new concept – old ideas?” will be staged at the Faculty of Sport Science at Lillehammer University College on 16.02.2015.

The Youth Olympic Winter Games is a growing event in youth sports and provides great sporting, social, cultural and environmental opportunities for the host city, region and country. Lillehammer must make some effort to not only fulfill all requirements to stage the YOG, but also maximize the economic, social, environmental, political, and structural benefits that an Youth Olympic Games can offer to the city and country.

Topics covered will address the legacy of Youth Olympic Games, new concepts and development of the YOG and the perception of the Youth on YOG. Additional papers about Olympic Games will be presented.

For a one day event 48 Olympic scholars from 9 nations (NOR, GBR, GER, USA, AUT, TUR, BRA, CAN, FRA) will meet and present 5 key notes, 25 research projects and one practitioner report. They will not only discuss their research but also meet key note speakers such as the Norwegian IOC member Gerald Heiberg and Anders Besseberg, president of the International Biathlon Union but also high executives from the organization of the Games such as Philippe Furrer (IOC senior manager) and the CEO of the YOG Lillehammer Tomas Holmestad. Jens Andersen (CEO Play the Games” will report about the latest research on good governance in sport federations.

The symposium is jointly organized by Prof. Holger Preuss (Johannes Gutenberg Universität / Molde University College) in cooperation with Prof. Dag Vidar Hanstad (Norwegian School of Sport Sciences/Lillehammer University College) and Prof. Berit Skirstad (Norwegian School of Sport Sciences).

Date: Tuesday, 16. February 2016


Prof. Dr. Holger Preuß (JGU Mainz, GER)

Prof. Dr. Dag Vidar Handstad (Norwegian School of Sport Sciences and Lillehammer University College, NOR)

Prof. Dr. Berit Skirstadi (Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, NOR)


Prof. Dr. Dag Vidar Handstad (Norwegian School of Sport Sciences and Lillehammer University College, NOR)

Scientific Committee:

Prof. Dr. Holger Preuss, Professor for Sport Economics and Sport Sociology, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, GER

Prof. Dr. Jean-Jacques Gouguet, Professor of Economics, Centre de Droit et d'economie du Sport (CDES), University of Limoges, FRA

Prof. Dr. Hallgeir Gammelsaeter, Professor for Sport Management and Sociology, Molde University College, NOR

Prof. Dr. Benoît Séguin, Professor of Sport Management, University of Ottawa, CAN

Prof. Dr. Kamilla Swart, Professor for Sport Management, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, ZAF

Sean Hamil, Director, Birkbeck Sport Business Centre, Birkbeck College, University of London, GBR

Dr. Norbert Schütte, Senior lecturer and researcher in Sport Management, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, GER

Prof. Dr. Erich Thöni, Professor for Economics, University of Innsbruck, AUT

Prof. Dr. Milena Parent, Professor of Sport Management, University of Ottawa, CAN

Prof. Dr. Harry Arne Solberg, Professor of Sport Economics, Trondheim Business School, NOR

Prof. Dr. Harry Hiller, Professor of Urban Sociology and Sport, University of Calgary, CAN

Prof. Dr. Lamartine DaCosta, Professor for Sport History and Sport Management, State University of Rio de Janeira, BRA

Prof. Dr. Dag Vidar Hanstad, Professor of Sport Management, Lillehammer University College, NOR

Prof. Dr. Berit Skirstad, Professor of Sport Management, Norwegian School of Sport Science, NOR

Dr. Martin Schnitzer, Senior lecturer and researcher in Sport Management, University Innsbruck, AUT

Prof. Dr. Envind Skille, Professor for Sportmanagement, Høgskolen i Hedmark, NOR

Prof. Dr. Jon Helge Lesjö, Professor for Economics and Organisation, Lillehammer University College, NOR

Dr. Elsa Kristiansen, Postdoktor, Norwegian School of Sport Science, NOR















Agenda 2020

‘Viva sua paixao‘ – Live your passion! This is the official slogan for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Following this spirit, we would like to welcome you to Rio for the 8th International Sport Business Symposium, organised by Prof. Holger Preuss (Mainz) in cooperation with Prof. Lamartine DaCosta (Rio de Janeiro).

The Olympic Games are the most prestigious sport event in the world and provide extraordinary opportunities in regards to sports, social and cultural life as well as for the environment of the host city, region and country. The host must undertake tremendous efforts to not only fulfil the requirements for staging the Games, but also to maximize the economic, social, environmental, political, and structural benefits which come along with the event. This demand is underpinned in the IOC’s Agenda 2020.
#read more

Winter Games and Legacy

Passion. Connected." This is the official slogan for the 2018 Olympic Winter Games in Pyeongchang. “Passion” represents Pyeongchang’s role as the venue for a global festival in 2018, where people will experience the excitement of the Olympic spirit, while enjoying the warm hospitality of Koreans and sharing inspiring stories. “Connected”, meanwhile, signifies the openness of the host city, where every generation can participate in the Games – no matter where they are – thanks to Korea’s cutting-edge technology and cultural convergence. It also represents a new beginning and the opening of ‘New Horizons’ for winter sports in Asia.

Following this spirit, we would like to invite you to Chuncheon for the 9th International Sport Business Symposium, organised by Prof. Holger Preuss (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) in cooperation with Prof. Seok-Pyo Hong (Kangwon National University).
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Environment and Sustainability 

"Discover Tomorrow" – This is the official slogan for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. The sustainability concept of the Games is: "Be better, together - For the planet and the people". The Olympic and Paralympic Games are among the world's largest sporting events. This impact is not limited to sport, but also on society, the economy and the environment. We aim with this symposium to emphasize the impact on the environment.
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The Future of the Olympic Games

“Games wide open” - This is the shared slogan for both the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games in Paris 2024. It is an invitation to the world and to all Olympic scholars of the world to come to Paris and experience new emotions together. Tony Estanguet (President OCOG) claims that the Games are “the commitments of new experiences and big thrills”. We will see other Games than ever before, new disciplines, outdoor competitions in the heart of Paris, a unique Opening Ceremony on the Seine, the Marathon for All so that everyone can run this iconic Olympic event like the athletes.
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